What is Acupuncture?
Simply stated; Acupuncture is a technique to rebalance the flow of energy throughout the body. It does this by inserting tiny needles into energetic pathways that run throughout the body. These pathways then stimulate nerves, fascial, muscle and connective tissue.
More in depth and scientific understanding:
There are three differing scientific understandings on how acupuncture works in the body. These understandings include the; Micro-trauma theory, Neural-humeral theory, and the Gate Control theory. The Micro-trauma theory works by inducing micro-traumas, via acupuncture needles to the body in specific neural pathways, or what are called channels in Traditional Chinese Medicine. These micro traumas activate the immune receptors to flood to the acupuncture point. This activates intracellular signaling pathways within the body that release nuclear binding proteins that promote and encourage the transcription of specific genes which promote healing locally. This in turn creates a trickle-down effect to open up and release the corresponding fascial highways and connective tissue in the body.
These effects occur by immune modulating cells that are carried through the channels or pathways through the blood and the lymph. The increased immune cells and blood then relieves inflammation within the body which then relieves symptoms like pain, cloudy thinking, poor digestion, poor memory, frozen joint movements and much more.
The Neural Humeral Theory states that acupuncture works by inducing neurochemical substances to be released that create an analgesic effect to relieve pain in the body. Puncturing the skin with the acupuncture needles instigates endogenous chemicals to be released in our body. These innate painkilling substances include; endorphins, serotonin and noradrenalin.
The last truth of how the medicine works is the gate control theory. This theory shows that acupuncture works via the transmission of nerve impulses through the body which relay to the spinal cord and eventually to the brain. The activation of these nerve impulses can stop pain in the body by producing enkephalines. Enkephalins are peptides that have opiate and analgesic activity that occurs naturally in the brain. These Enkephalins have a marked affinity for opiate receptors in the body, they bind to opiate receptors and release controlled levels pain throughout the central nervous system. By activating these nerve bundles and fibers this instigates new communication from the body to the brain. Inflammation creates scar tissue, and scar tissue inhibits healthy neural communication within the body. Acupuncture breaks up the scar tissue and relaxes inflammation to allow for healthy neural synapses which heals the body and relieves pain.